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Chris Gossett

public information resource expert


Background Investigative Service

Personal, Criminal & Professional Check

Info - Cell, Address, Social Media, Email Address History

If a background check seems relevant, in the event you need to verify someone's criminal hisotry, to track down their location, personal contact information, you have come to the right place.  We only inform you of what is or was public record.  Everything we provide is true information and our ability to get answers quickly is your advantage.  We will not slander anyone. 


We provide criminal background verifications, all physical addresses on record, from now until records were first detected to include that name, we can provide current cell phone information, all noted email addresses ever associated with an individual.  If If you need to verify background for business or personal purposes, what we provide is public data that mot can not easily access.  For you need to know the truth about anything ranging from finances to location history, past employer and present, past neighbors and present 1pt0.net has the answer.  We gather data from several resources of pools of data that are very broad in scope of coverage. 


We provide criminal background verifications, all physical addresses on record, from now until records were first detected to include that name, we can provide current cell phone information, all noted email addresses ever associated with an individual.  If If you need to verify background for business or personal purposes, what we provide is public data that most can not easily access.  For you need to know the truth about anything ranging from finances to location history, past employer and present, past neighbors and present, so 1pt0.net has the answer.  We gather data from several resources of pools of data that are very broad in scope of coverage. 


For $50 per single inquiry you can receive contact, information, criminal history and social media within minutes or hours.  Group and quantity rates apply, over time.  Get credit and lower and lower prices for your background inquiry.

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